Friday, September 9, 2011

talking babies...

My babies are talking..yay!! Haha..its not really talking..its more to babbling..

Asyil started to babbling first... tatatataa...dadadada... Hehe..its sound funny and cute... Not long after that Aisy joined the club..

But Aisy pronounced words more often that Asyil...when Aisy started to explore his tatata dadada, he keep on babbling most of the time..

And now I teach them to say 'mimimimi' which is stand for ummi..kikiki..saje je kan...

Last nite, when I was about to take Aisy from my father, he was making the face "what take you so long??take me nowww!!!" And then he pronounce word 'nen'! Haaaaa?? Haha... Funny la...terkejut mak....

si mulut becok....hihi...
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1 comment:

abcdead said...

ooooooooooooohh mana buleh ajar mimimi je...cani kena ajar lidlidlid gak la...kikiki